Can you imagine something for me? Picture this: you're having a normal day. It's kinda sunny out, but it's still chilly, which you like a lot. You're content. Glancing up from something insignificant, maybe making a smoothie or folding clothes or removing your coat, you realize you only have two weeks left in Spain.
It was like that, or even quicker. Time sped up in leaps from that day, and I haven't been able to slow it down. How am I supposed to pack while my daily life continues without stopping? I just want a moment. I need a breather, some kind of space to ruminate on life and how time changes. I want to put up some especially meaningful post about loving life and how you always move on, or that life moves in seasons and in this season Spain is outta here. I want to be very Hallmark about this whole process. [Sigh.] I guess it won't be like that, which could be better. I tend to get lost in my own emotional drive, sloshing dramatic gestures and hyperbole when simplicity or stillness frame the heart's pictures much better.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Entering Hyperspeed
Posted by dean at 12:14