Ever since I received Margaeretta's email the other day, I've been scanning my junk mail a little more thoroughly before emptying it in hopes of receiving more crazy craziness. As it turns out, my email account is quite the receptacle for this new form of novelicious spam, which seems to consist of semi-random quotes taken from various websites. The curious part is that these emails seem to have some kind of more or less sensible thread weaving them together. Who can forget Jessica's epic journey? Or, in the case of the email that I received today, Ian's scores on about 50 different videogames? I'm incredibly fascinated by any email that produces sentences that are so nonsensical that you understand them. Behold, excerpts from today's email from Rob -- Fresh Green Notice!
It was a good games player. He is an especially tough game, with limited income to be made. Jarratt did well early, breaking even by turn two. I sold a lot of fun, and felt very robber-barony.
Really well, this time it failed spectacularly. More spectacular was Sharon's monument and river collection. We could tell she was going to be able to surge ahead for a win, but I had issued too many shares for that. Sharon and Ian camped out in the East and West respectively.
Monday, April 18, 2005
Fresh Green Notice!
Posted by dean at 16:19