Friday, February 03, 2006

Resolutions Review for 2005

Although I truly think a month is sufficient time to mull over my resolutions for the New Year, it's going to have to wait till tomorrow. Something that I meant to do sometime last month, which accidentally turned into the forgotten month of 2006, was a review of what actually happened to Old Man 2005's resolutions. If you recall correctly (I don't), some of those resolutions stuck fast beside me all year, while others abandoned me sooner or later...

5. To keep in better contact with friends and family back home.
I will be the first to admit that I'm not so great about email contact. Don't you love getting emails? Well, me too. I just don't like sending them. It's a combination of laziness and arrogance. That said, I didn't do too bad. B

4. To enjoy Spain more in whatever fashion (speaking, friends, volunteering).
I actually squeaked this one in towards the end with a dazzling epiphany about life in general. The problem was that I was so focused on what I wasn't doing that I stopped doing anything else to be miserable about my inaction. Confusing, huh? And pretty pointless, as I made some of my closest friends in Spain (granted, Americans for the most part) in my last few months. I didn't speak any more Spanish, I never volunteered in the end, but I began to enjoy Spain in a way that had been seriously lacking. A-

3. To become much more proactive about my future. This includes but is not limited to studying while not in school (ugh) and researching more thoroughly my doctoral choices.
Well, I applied to my schools, although every last one was done in December. It was a bit hastily put-together. I have done no reading for the doctorate (STILL), although I did apply for a kinda prestigious conference and was accepted. C+

2. To join and a gym and finally lose the extra poundage and put on that extra muscle.
2005 was my fattest year ever. I joined a gym in the final two months to reduce the butterballity, but the real results are going to be taking place in 2006. F

1. To become a better champion of truth and happiness and spread yoga-chakra love to everybody blah blah blah. You get the gist.
It's objective, but holla. A+