I'm realizing more and more that I hate the accent here. It's too sharp, too aggressive, and it makes me miss the soft throatiness of the southern drawl. Plus it's just plain ugly. New York City: The bad news is that I'm still looking for a job after being here one week. And although it may not sound like much, one week is plenty time looking for a job folding shirts or shuffling books on the shelf. Really, why do you even have to apply to do that? The good news is that I'm being courted -- nay, wooed! -- by one of my three universities that I'm applying to for my doctorate. They can't stop throwing money at me, a fact that I'm loving more than I care to admit. Who doesn't love to have someone declare their love for what you do? And then offer to pay you to do more of it! The bad news is that it's my fallback school, and that this magic money won't come through until August, when and if I actually attend this school. The good news is that I'm happy here, to an extent, sleeping in and watching so many Netflix movies with Travis that I'm afraid they'll revoke my membership. The good news is that bad times come and go, and I'm hoping to see this little rough patch out the door any day now.