Sunday, September 18, 2005

On Peachtree and 10th

via flickr

This past weekend I drove up to Atlanta and spent time with good friend Jerritt for a few days. The 3.5 hour trip up the interstate went pretty smoothly with the exception of a new appearance by my old friend Car Sickness; apparently I can now get dramatically ill from driving for a long period of time. Oh how my body hates me! Thinking to delay the inevitable return to Valdosta and the carsick seat, the 24-hour jaunt turned into a full-fledged weekend supertrip; so compelling it was that January drove up from Valdosta to join in on the party.

Ever since the summer that I lived there and interned at a non-profit organization, I've always thought Atlanta has the best of everything. It just seems big enough to enjoy all the city comforts (traffic, public transport) but not outta control chaotic like New York (people dressed as elves, filthy everything). So of course my sugarplum visions of Atlanta were solidified this weekend as I reconnected with old friends that I hadn't seen or talked to in years and enjoyed the familiar rush of city life, the beating heart of a living metropolis. That, and tried not to get into a traffic accident on tricksy Atlanta roads.