Monday, June 06, 2005

Weekend Recap

The sun came out and the streets boiled. I tried to spend most of the weekend eating in establishments with air conditioning and avoiding the slow broil of my living room. Really, with the windows closed and curtains drawn to prevent the volcanic air from entering, the entire living room is set to 350ºF. Seeking refreshment, I took students to the bar on Friday and spent the rest of the weekend drinking tinto de verano, a drink with red wine and orange soda that you can pretend is just juice, but that may inhibit your ability to stand up later.

I also had a preparation meeting for the summer camp, which I'm repeating this year. Due to the fact that Leaders Number One and Two are both unable to continue this year, I've been promoted to English Language Coordinator. Under normal circumstances, this would entail a lot of hard work in preparation for camp, but the girl I'm taking over for has yet to relinquish control and is doing everything for me. I'm not really complaining, but hey, am I supposed to coordinate something at some point? Just checking.