Monday, May 30, 2005

My Computer Has Had It

I'm not that mean to the computer. I leave it in one place, I try to be nice to it -- try to win it over with nice shiny presents like more RAM or a new hard drive when the other one starts to hiss and bleep loudly at me. Why CAN'T I leave it on? (Said protestingly.) When I go to Samsung on Monday morning for class, ALL of THEIR computers are on. (said in a "But mom, everybody else's mom said they could go!" kind of tone. Whining.)

And so my computer flipped out this past weekend. Now it screams (no, really) at me when I turn it on, and sometimes it just refuses to turn on. Forgive me if posts get a little more sporadic until I can figure this new computer trickery out.
Or until I get that new Mac I've had my eye on.