It pays to have friends in the office staff. The office hasn't really worked out for me lately, so I've generally been steering clear of any eye contact: go in, get the photocopies, and evacuate the premises with all free time still intact. It was a happy surprise that office friend E, who I've been sweetening up with episodes of Lost, decided to take over my Friday classes so I could spend more time with Travis during his visit. I got my Saturday class substituted (I'm allowed to do that twice every three months) and spent the rest of the weekend eating my way through Spain's capital city. When Travis waved goodbye at the police checkpoint on Monday afternoon, my stomach was gurgling unhappily. Commence Operation Summer Skinny!
But while he was here, we had such a great time. One of the highlights was getting a hotel room near my house, just for a change of scenery. It was amazing, since it was on the top floor of the hotel and had a huge balcony that is the size of my living room. I caressed the furniture, never wanting to return to my 1950's pad where electric sockets have wires sticking out, bulbs burn mysteriously, and there is no cleaning lady. Why can't I live in a hotel room? (Ed. Note: This is a rhetorical question and cannot stand up to the weight of scrutinization.)
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
My 4-day Weekend
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