Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Ah, Spring: Update in Spain

Thanks be to the curative power of the sun. The temperature has risen and risen and finally, after months of winter, the sun has broken through. The trees stretch their branches and buds appear, leaves now and then poking through. We hide in their shade. It's warmish now, which makes everyone complain that it's too hot. I am happy to be in my element -- overly warm, sun-baked. Green.

Things are looking up here in Spain. On second and third revision, my schedule for this semester hasn't been as bad as was previously supposed, giving me a bit of free time for Spanish class. Out of the two students, I'm the one who never does his homework. But I'm nice, and the girl in the class is CRAZY, so I think I win. My Catalan class is also great, I'm learning a lot even though Xavier looked me in the eyes the other day and sternly warned me that if I miss another day I won't be able to take the final exam and PERIOD. I nodded, reduced to a three-year old child. Xavier then turned his attention to one of the elderly women in the class and told her the same thing. She looked at me in complicity. I winked at her, as if to say "Haha! We are outlaws!" because I felt suddenly exhilarated. The bad boy of Catalan class.

At a surreal administrative meeting at the Academy we were forced to explain our plans for summer and the upcoming fall; what we're doing, how many hours we are willing to work. I was the first one to go, and all my pent-up passive aggressiveness burst through and I churlishly said, "Not working this summer. Part-time next Fall." I sort of said this with my head swaying slightly. I was two seconds away from adding a snap to the face and a "Girl," too snippy to even add proper pronouns and create full sentences. Fragments and attitude were all the office was getting out of me. I'm happy for the experience, but peace out to Full Time English Teacher. RIP.