[With chagrin]
I opened the lonely folder in my backpack for no real reason except a tiny, tiny mental itch that whispered a little "What if...?" in the back of my head.
My visa application, magical work permit from the Ministry of Labor, and assorted paraphenalia popped out, like children playing hide and go seek. They had hidden well. I mentally kicked myself and physically slapped my forehead. A trip to Miami is in the next 12 hours, after delaying it needlessly. As wise philosopher Cher once said, "If I could turn back time."
My parents and I believe that my baggage is still in North Carolina, although Alex the friendly USAirways robot continually assures us that our baggage has not yet been located. The jihad on USAirways is still in effect. This changes nothing.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
You Cannot Retract The Jihad
Posted by dean at 14:36