Giving in to the wild urgings of my horoscope, which told me this week to ask for what I need and don't be afraid of the answer, I talked to Nice Natalie in the office about dropping some of the hours I've been saddled with. We came to the conclusion that I should be able to drop about five, putting me down to a respectable 25 hours a week, with virtually no problems. The only possible problem is the fact that the Academy is graciously giving me a work visa, and that's something that very few places are willing to do, no matter how quality you may be as an English teacher. They may think that I am an investment too valuable to lose for five hours and crankily refuse me. Nonetheless, the next step is talking with Miguel, who is the big boss and who I furtively avoid every time I step into the office. I'm planning the perfect pout as we speak, trying to judge just how pathetic to look while I plead my case.
You, too, should pay attention to what Free Will Astrology says about your future.