Monday, December 20, 2004

Harry Potter and Other Unsung Christmas Heroes

We're doing a small Christmas crossword puzzle. Christmas, even though it is celebrated in Spain, is nowhere near as important or popular as it is in the States. My students are continuously confounded by my Christmas cheer. "Aren't you excited about the holidays?" I perkily ask them on a daily basis. They shrug nonchalantly, implying that there truly is nothing to be so excited about. True to Spanish form.

3 Down: A Stingy Old Man.
My student looks up at me. His forehead wrinkles in deep thought. "Harry Potter?"
I look at him disgustedly.

7 across: Santa's little helper.
No one can get this answer. I try to help them out. "You know, like Legolas from Lord of the Rings!" One student brightens up immediately. She knows this answer!
"A Gnome!" she says excitedly.
I try to picture Santa surrounded by his little Christmas gnomes.