Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Welcomed Back

It took two rather uncomplicated days of driving to reach my southern home, my South Georgian Valdosta. iPedro, in all his expensive glory, safely accompanied me during the trip. I returned to find everything exactly as I had left it; street signs were all the same, all the old neighbors mowing their lawns somewhat obsessively, all restaurants still happily making profit dollahs. A couple of differences: Best Buy beginning its summer move into town, a new mayor (the old one, after a billion years of elected rule over the metropolitan area of Valdosta, unexpectedly died of a heart attack). But the rest, exactly as expected.

I began simultaneously unpacking and packing (an odd concept) today. My father hung about the house, still in his vacation time. When it was time to pick up my car from its physical, he asked me to drive him to the Ford dealership. I had forgotten where it was. I felt horrendously out of place and as Yankee as everyone claims me to be.