Sunday, May 23, 2004


The day before I leave for Madrid, I sit in my aunt's home in Atlanta putting the finishing touches on my luggage. After deep soul-searching, I picked only the necessities of life (guns & jewelry) to take with me. I travel with a rather light hiking backpack, the largest suitcase in North America, and a backpack to house my little laptop. I am ready for my voyage, Mr. DeMille.

Being in Valdosta was wonderful, if somewhat disasterous. Faced with one week to renew relationships and hand out proper goodbyes, I found myself bounced between friends and family somewhat uncomfortably and without the ability to keep up with my own schedule. I began to overbook dates with friends in frenzied anticipation of having to say goodbye. If I schedule lunch with her, I still have time to catch the 7:00 movie with him, right? My parents didn't feel as if they got their proper goodbye -- my mother called me this morning to make sure that I hadn't "forgotten about them." In the end however, faced with the inevitable movement of time, all goodbyes were made, however hastily so.

Tomorrow is the big day. My luggage trembles with excitement.