Today I've been busy researching web hosts and providers. The most that I could get from two hours of online research is a sort of X-files "Trust no one" mentality. All web providers are the devil and they lie, if the average consumer is to be believed. So I went with Yahoo in the end, since it seemed the less likely to be the work of Satan.
Cathy (my future roommate from Northern Ireland) emailed today and told me that she won't be arriving in Madrid until the 8th of June or thereabouts, giving me a full 2 weeks to laze about with no purpose in the city. I'm sort of regretting having scheduled my flight so early, although I had no way of knowing when she was arriving. I've asked Travis to come with me to Spain for a week, if he has time and money (two things ever in short supply with him); if not, I'm toying with the idea of visiting Cathy in N. Ireland before she flies down. That way I won't wear out the ever-generous welcome of my Spanish friends. As it is, a week is about the longest I can stay with them before feeling like I owe rent.
In other news, a Ms. Penélope López emailed today about my application (note that there is an application!) for taking a CELTA course at International House Madrid. I have a phone interview on Monday, four English grammar tasks to be completed, and no idea what I'm doing. Hey, I just want a job. And a visa (although that's debatable). Cathy has also said I might be able to work with her in a summer English camp for baby Spaniards, which I'm alternately excited and hesitant about. Since my knowledge of summer camp is limited to Meatballs and all the Friday the 13th movies, I'm awaiting either topless girls and breaking up random sexual encounters or 15 dead campers at the end of the month. And knowing budding Spaniards, they'll all be striking some diffident rebellious poses as they take precocious puffs of their cigarettes. Ah, Europe. How I have missed thee.
Saturday, April 24, 2004
A Blog Is Born
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