Friday, April 23, 2004

Puh-leez, Knocka: Don't You Know Weblogs Are For Fools?

Meanwhile I've been scraping all my grey matter together in order to produce my first-ever attempt at blogging. Consider this a creative post-thesis outlet that scifi/fantasy novels and boyfriends cannot tackle alone. As I type this, my life in Syracuse NY is slowly coming to a dreary close. Today is overcast and 48 degrees, isn't that unholy at this point in "spring"? Southern blood and bones cry within me for a sunny, humid region; my attempts to pacify my skin via tanning booths have been unsuccessful. General body coup d'etat.

I'm eating cookies for breakfast, which breaks so many rules of the South Beach Diet that, if found out, I could be threatened with excommunication from the club. As it is, I receive periodic emails from some omniscient South Beach robot telling me to take more multivitamins and warning me of the dangers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Ick. I figure the cookies might counteract any irritableness my bowels may have. I know they make me happy.

As far as this site goes, I'm hoping to be updating it rather regularly to provide all my loved ones with info on me as I cavort through Spain and her capital city, Madrid. Until I am somewhat better situated (possibly not until August), the status of this site may fluctuate a little bit, but have no fear: this starts as a description of my travels, and shall not be forgotten. The layout to the site is rather simple and obvious, so I won't comment on it too much. The other pages deal with my personality, my scholarly work, and fun things of interest. Search around, read up on me if you're interested.

Thank you all for journeying with me in this adventure. Here's to many incredible sights.